I will forever be amazed by the miracle of adoption and the Lord’s hand in it all. That is exactly what adoption is, a miracle. For many years my husband and I waited and wondered when our children would come. It was about a year before our first child came to our family we finally decided to go forward with all that is involved with becoming certified and ready to adopt. On the morning we decided to send in our first application, my husband opened up the Church News and the cover story was of a couple and their experience with adoption. The thing that hit me from the article was a statement by one of the General Authorities, “There is more than one way to multiply and replenish the earth.” And I realized that if we adopt a child they will be sealed to us – as if they had been born to us - they will really be our children. Not long after we had decided to adopt we were given great counsel, we were told that we would not be waiting for a baby, but we would be waiting for our baby. Just as the Lord sends children to families through natural birth, His hand is in the adoption process and eternal families can be built through adoption. We know that birth mothers spend a lot of time in prayer to choose the parents of her unborn child. And we were encouraged to pray for the mother, even before we know her. I know that my children were meant to be a part of our family. There really are no coincidences in adoption.
Each time we were chosen to be adoptive parents there were so many things that just seemed to fall into place at just the right time. With our first we were able to get the last seats on the last flight that got us to the hospital just minutes before our placement was scheduled. With our second we had been living in Texas for about 6 months and had been certified for a short time when we decided to finally get our profile on-line. That same day our caseworker learned of a birth mother living out of sate who was searching for a family living in Texas, she chose us. Our third came four weeks early. The day he was born started out like any other day, then we got a phone call letting us know that our birth mom was in labor. We didn’t have anything ready. I was on the phone all day, quickly went through baby boy clothes, pulled the car seat out of the attic, arranged babysitters for our other children, and in a matter of hours my husband and I were on our way to the airport to welcome our newest little one into our family.
Each time we were chosen it also took much patience, prayer and fasting to bring them finally home. Issues come up between birth and placement that are totally out of our control. There were times when we had to wait much longer than anticipated, wondering day by day what the outcome would be. It is through those times that my faith has been strengthened. I know that if we put our faith and trust in the Lord and do all that we can do, He’ll take care of the rest. He is watching over us all and he has a plan for all of His children.
I will forever be grateful for the love and sacrifice of our children’s birth mothers. Their sacrifice for us exemplifies the spirit of sacrifice and love taught by the Savior and shows such great love. One day not too long ago I was sitting in a rare quiet moment watching my two oldest play and holding my baby close and felt so blessed thinking of how my children came to me, so grateful for their birth moms and ultimately acknowledging the love of the Lord and how He directs all our lives and leads us to where we should be. We have open relationships with our birth moms and some of their family members. I am so grateful that my children have so many people who love them.
One of the greatest blessing of adoption is being able to take our children to the temple. It is such a special thing to be able to take our little ones to the temple to perform an ordinance that will keep us together, as a family, forever. When we took our daughter to the temple she was only five months old. She was perfect little angel all dressed in white, grabbed her daddy’s thumb during the ordinance like she knew what was happening and held on until the sealing was over. I remember standing in front of the mirrors holding our beautiful children just after our second child was sealed to us. We were looking into eternity, together, there is absolutely nothing more perfect than a moment like that. It is all such a miracle to me.
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Issac, Kristi, Andrew, Ramsey & Hannah |
Thanks for sharing your story. Your family is beautiful!