Madeline – Age 13
Being an adopted child is a blessing. Adoption can bring miracles to people, like my parents. Adopted children are no different than any other children; it’s just that we have two sets of parents. I was adopted when I was a newborn so nothing seems odd.
My parents wanted a child and Heavenly Father led and guided my birthmother to them. My parents are my parents and they don’t treat me any different because I look different. I am their child and they love me. I am Heavenly Father’s child and He loves me. My parents are such a huge and wonderful blessing to me and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I hope to someday be just like them.
I have thought about my birthparents many times. I remember from a young age asking my mom why I was brown and she and my dad were white. I also remember when I was around eight years old I started asking questions about my birthparents; like what did they look like and how could my birthmother give me up? I’ve had many talks with my parents and they have always told me how blessed they are to have me in their lives and how much Heavenly Father loves and cares for each of us. They told me it was natural to have a longing to know my birthmother more, and it is okay to have these feelings, they say it’s kind of like feeling homesick.
Over the years my mom has told me about my birthparents and has shown me a few pictures of my birth mom and birth dad. Now I often picture her in my mind and think about the day I will meet them both. I don’t know where or when but I will meet them; if not in this life then in the next, but I know I will meet them. I will always be grateful to them because I wouldn’t be who or where I am in my life today without the choice they made. I am also grateful to them for my sister who came from the same birthparents.
I love my Heavenly Father and I thank Him every day for putting me on this earth and leading my birthmother to my parents. I am very blessed to have them. I’m grateful for the opportunity to write this and express my feelings about my adoption. I love my parents dearly, and I’m grateful to Heavenly Father for putting me into a family who loves, cares and helps me every day of my life.
Adoption is one of my greatest blessings and it will always be!
Maddie, I love your story thanks for sharing. We love that you are part of our family and that are kids are able to grow up with you and your siblings as their examples. We love you Mad. The Holloway's