Thursday, April 26, 2012

Children from "Hard Places"

We talked a little about adopting waiting children or adopting through foster care at our mini-conference on April 21. Faline sent me a link to the Institute of Child Development at TCU. Karyn Purvis is the director of the Institute and there is a lot of great information on the website. Karyn Purvis also presented at last year's National FSA Conference. I put the link under Adoption Sites on the right of the blog. It is titled, "Karen Purvis".

Monday, April 23, 2012

Adoption Tax Credit

Here is the link to information about the Federal Adoption Tax Credit for 2012 and 2013:

Also, check the post below for information on our new Facebook page! There is a link on that to a more detailed page on the tax credit.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Facebook Group

First off, thank you to everyone who came and participated in our first activity of the year! It was so great to meet everyone and we look forward to more events in the future.

I just created a group on Facebook titled, "Houston Families Supporting Adoption". I thought this could be an easy way to talk to one another and throw out ideas for activities we want to do. It is also an easy way to let me know what you'd like to see on the blog. So if you have a Facebook account, come on over and "like" us. I will start posting things and please feel free to post things too! I will keep posting on the blog as well so don't worry if you don't have a Facebook account!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Childcare for Mini-Conference

There will be childcare for this upcoming Saturday, April 21. We are very excited and looking forward to meeting many of you this Saturday at the Mini-Conference!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Childcare for April 21

I just wanted everyone to be aware that we are trying to provide childcare for our meeting on April 21. I will post as soon as I hear back from the Young Women I have asked. We hope to see you all there!!

Again, if you have any questions or comments please email me (Alysha) at

Thursday, April 5, 2012



As was already announced, we are having a conference on April 21st at 16331 Hafer Road in Houston. It will start at 1:30 and go until about 4:30. We hope you can attend to learn more about adoption changes and gain a perspective from those that have been through the process as adoptive parents, adoptees and birth parents. We hope it will be a meaningful and educational experience.

Additionally, we announce that Alysha and Nathan Meacham are the new chairs for the Houston FSA. We are both very excited to participate in such an important organization. Adoption touched our lives when we adopted our now 2 year old son and has remained an important part of our family. We welcome any ideas for activities or learning events that you may have. We also would appreciate any participation you may be able to give. For information or to give suggestions for activities please contact Alysha at

Thank you